Monday, 19 October 2015

Edgewater 3 Exercise Programme T4 2015 Weeks 1 - 4

We have taken a break from the gym. For the first half of term we are doing a new fitness programme designed by Kevin and Orla our physiotherapist.

1: Show that your aerobic fitness has improved by reducing your field run lap time. (Get faster)
2: To improve core stability, co-ordination, balance and motor skills.
3: Show that you can independently follow instructions that have a sequence of 3 or more steps.

1) Warm up stretches

Brennan to lead group in the “Edgewater Gym Warm Up Stretches”.

2) Superman poses

Aim: To improve core stability, hip strength and shoulder girdle stability
1) Start on hands and knees on the floor
2) Lift one leg and opposite arm out straight (i.e left leg, right arm or right leg, left arm)
3) Hold for 5 seconds
4) Repeat on other side
5) Complete at least 10 times (i.e. 5 on each side)

3) Star Jumps

Aim: To improve co-ordination and aerobic fitness
1) Stand with feet together and hands by side
2) Jump legs out and lifting arms at same time
3) Then jump feet back together while bringing hands back by side
4) Complete at least 20 jumps (More is better)

4) Skipping

Aim: To improve co-ordination, motor planning, speed and fitness
1) Two people hold either end of the skipping rope and sway it side to side
2) Students stand sideways by the rope and jump over the rope as it approaches their feet
3) Encourage a flow with the jumps, maybe counting as prompts for each jump
4) As students improve, increase the speed you turn the rope, aiming to then get to turn the rope over their head and have them jump when it comes around to their feet

4A) Aidan instead of skipping - Sitting on Swiss Ball

Aim: Improve core stability and bilateral co-ordination
1) Sitting steadily on Swiss ball
2) Lift one knee up about 5cm and touch with opposite hand (eg right hand to left knee)
3) Repeat on other side and complete 10 times

5) One leg balancing

Aim: To improve standing balance
1) Stand with a ball just in front of feet and to one side
2) Lift one foot up onto ball, balancing on other leg
3) Roll ball forwards and backwards/around in a circle (this is to ensure you are not leaning too much on the  ball and really are practising one leg standing)
4) Aim for at least 30 seconds on each leg (More is better)

6) Ball skills – Dribbling

Aim: To improve co-ordination and motor planning
1) Stand at the start of a line of cones (about 6)
2) Bouncing ball with one hand (dribbling), walk along line of cones, weaving around each cone in ‘s’ bends
3) Turn at the last cone and weave way back
4) Alternatively, complete same drill but with a soccer ball and control it with feet

7) Step-ups

Aim: To improve co-ordination, balance, motor planning and general fitness
1) Stand facing a step
2) Step one foot up, then the other so both feet are on step
3) Step first foot back down, then the other
4) Repeat for 1 minute counting number of repetitions
5) Stand side-on to a step and step up sideways and then back down, again for 1 minute
(Not Aidan)
6) Repeat for the other side/leg

8) Field Lap - Running

Aim: To improve aerobic fitness (Get faster at running the Field Lap)
1) Start running from the big tree next to the gym.
2) Run around both rugby goals
3) Run past the Tuck Shop back to class.

In week one we learnt how to do the exercises and timed our field run. We will try to do the exercises independently and get faster on our run.


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