Sunday, 30 April 2017

Get Ready For Football Training

Soccer Workout Drills for Beginners


Focus on basic techniques, such as proper kicking form and dribbling


Dribbling the ball means moving the ball around the field using your feet. It's a core skill in soccer, and critical to a player's ability to move and keep the ball. Start with basic dribbling, where the player taps the ball with her foot while jogging slowly. Line the kids up and have them dribble in a circle around the field. Focus on teaching the players to kick in only small amounts as part of their running motion, keeping the ball close. As the players advance, teach them to speed up, then slow down to throw off a defender.


Soccer balls aren't kicked with your toe. You use the lace-covered part of your foot for the most power and best control. This drill is often a good way to close practice as the players may be tired. Sit the players down on the grass and have them remove their socks, shoes and shin guards. Holding the ball with their hands, have the players kick the ball straight up in the air while pointing their toe. This gives them good practice getting a feel for where the ball should contact their foot. Once they can hit the ball twice with their bare foot, have them stand up. Once up, set the players in a line and let them kick toward the goal, practicing the power and accuracy required for a goal-winning kick.


    Passing enables beginning players to get the ball to another teammate without losing possession. Pair the players up and lead them onto the field, one ball per pair. Send the pair down the field, practicing passing back and forth. When they hit the midfield, send the next pair. Continue until all players are at the opposite end. The pair with the most passes wins a small prize, if you want to make it a competition. Take the drill to the next level by sending the pairs down, with the lead pair setting the course in a follow-the-leader passing drill.

    Defensive Drill

    To keep the opposing team from scoring, players need to learn to defend. A classic drill is to play keepaway. Keep the game simple, but rotate the players to ensure everyone has a turn. To play keepaway, identify one player from whom the other players must keep the ball away

    Wednesday, 12 April 2017

    A Rubbish Movie

    Edgewater College’s Rubbish !

    At Edgewater College, we saw rubbish all around. It was a big mess!

    The three Sommerville Satellite Classes at Edgewater College have been cleaning up rubbish around the drains, the estuary and the school yard?

    I think it is good to clean up the rubbish ! I sometimes go for a walk and pick up the rubbish.

    When it is raining all the rubbish swims in the water at Bucklands Beach, Eastern Beach and Panmure Basin.

    We are trying to protect the sea and if we don’t clean the rubbish up the wind will take the rubbish and plastic to the sea and kill sea animals.   

    I picked the rubbish into the plastic bag so it doesn’t fly away into the sea.

    A big heap of rubbish is at the school yard.

    We picked up rubbish to stop the animals getting sick.  I like a clean environment.

    When they drink they throw away the plastic bottles. They are bad boys it will kill the fish.

    Keep our sea clear of rubbish. The rubbish will float away to sea and kill our sea animals.

    Tuesday, 11 April 2017

    Term 1 Holiday programme

    Wednesday 19th - Friday 21st April 2017
    Term 1 Holiday programme

    Age: All ages
    Cost: $87.40per day attended ( We do accept ACC & Carer Support as a form of Payment)

    Pick up and Drop off Points: Papakura, Central and East Auckland


    Wednesday 19th April : MOTAT  (8.30am - 4.30pm)

    Thursday 20th April: Movie and Shopping (Sylvia Park) (8.30am - 5.30pm)
    (Spending money for Shopping)

    Friday 21st April: Rainbows End  (8.30am - 5.30pm)

    Main Centre Venue:

    Venue: Onehunga Community House, 83 Selwyn Street, Onehunga
    Time: Check weekly planner
    Volunteer Support Staff
    Time: Check weekly planner

    Papakura - Transport
    Time: Check weekly planner
    Venue: Crossroads Methodist Church, 25 Broadway, Papakura. 
     Staff: Sarah McIntosh and Volunteers
    Vans and taxi's provided for transport to Main Centre

    East Auckland - Transport
    Time: Check weekly planner
    Venue: Xtreme Ten Pin Bowling,
    Ti Rakau Drive  & Botany Road, Botany

    Please Bring:
    (Every day please bring)
    Medication  (Cleary Labeled), Jumper, Raincoat, Drink, Packed Lunch, Spending $ (on shopping days) & Spare Clothes in Plastic Bag

    It is essential!
    that you confirm your place and send your completed parent agreement/enrolment detail forms and
    payment one week prior to the Holiday Programme

    Friday, 7 April 2017

    Electric Teeth 2017


    Edgewater 3 say “Thank you” to Heidi our dentist for teaching us about brushing our teeth and to Lumino for giving us our amazing electric toothbrushes.

    Now we can brush our teeth at school every day.

    Heidi the dentist gave me toothpaste and a great toothbrush. I can brush my teeth in the bathroom. Plaque is on my teeth. I brush it away. Adam


    I brush my teeth after morning tea. I brush my teeth because I don’t want fillings in my teeth. Jordan


    My teeth were good. Heidi was working with me I cleaned my teeth. I had my teeth check. Andrew

    I liked brushing my teeth with the electric toothbrush because it is better.
    My teeth are as white as a sheet because I used toothpaste. Ethan


    I cleaned my teeth,my teeth are so beautiful. Heidi helped me to clean my teeth.
    I used the electric toothbrush and toothpaste,I have my own to use at school now. Nikhil


    I cleaned my teeth to make my teeth clean and shiny I used my electric toothbrush at school. Finn


    Heidi helped me to clean my teeth with the electric toothbrush. It was fun and my teeth are all sparkling white. Gregory